ⓘ 願いが現実になる this chapter is a part of my venture into new things thing, where in I give maybe an in depth explanation on my design process, from it's conception to it's inception and maybe even do a result thing idk I'll see to it if I'll do that i will be writing a lot and i know it might be boring for ppl to read abt, so it's fine too if you don't read everything
this chapter will also serve as a divider in a way, all for the sake of uniformity after this part, I will be archiving every edit made within the duration, including edits made specifically for the theme, as well as other edits that isn't necessarily affiliated with the themes but just made within the timeline of the existing theme its like a folder of sorts
➷ 始める the idea for this concept was primarily inspired by nct wish unit in particular
I was conflicted between if I should have their debut song WISH or their SONGBIRD comeback as the main theme. WISH was my personal favourite song from them, dare I say best instrumental to a song ever, but SONGBIRD had more thematic elements to it which in turn makes for a fuller theme.
hence during development of things i decided on fully using SONGBIRD for my account's theme. WISH BECOME REALITY I derived from the whole wish factory idea. this is made evident through my shop SONGBIRD♡EXPRESS.
the title CUPID♡MUSEUM was from this teaser clip. where they tour guide a kid through the lovely cupid museum. and I too am here to tour guide you all heh-although my version isn't as grand as theirs, but I hope you'll enjoy it just as much.
initially the style I went with wasn't the busy computer window tabs that you see right now. the original theme was much more simple, and that didn't't really feel right so I had everything re done ( literally 2 days before posting ) and now I've abused the capabilities of what i could do with computer windows in canva oop
# FUN FACT : the phrase 'WISH BECOME REALITY' was actually a lyric from songbird itself, sung by yushi during the bridge part.
➷ かわいい now before we actually get to talk abt the current theme I have right now, let me give the rightful recognition to the first designs I had
i made these covers with the intention to match design that minkosauce made I really love their style so I wanted a cover set that matches... but something felt off with my design (@_@;),, I tried adding glittery overlays but it wasn't as good (〒﹏〒) I couldn't seem to fully grasp the magic of the glittery stuff ... BUT I REALLY WANT TOOO
I might just practice more and hopefully get the feel of it-a future theme maybe (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
I made another graphic that was similar in style, but I scrapped it because the similarity in style couldn't save it from being badly executed (눈‸눈)
some of you might recognise this as I posted it first on LOVE119 's last chapter * END CALL im posting it here too because despite it not being the best design I made, I still loved the way the detailing came out ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
➷ 店 i had the first part of the shop drafted by the time I changed it to the purple and pink theme, and unfortunately my colors were more of a blues and pinks situation when I was nearing completion I had to recolour the covers to fit the shop color scheme I had,, but these covers didn't last long, I just thought I could do better than simply recoloring it.
later that day the design for the current set I have, came onto me. literally 2am I opened canva and I started working on it and well here we are.
but I didn't gave up on this cover style tho, so instead it's up as a template on my shop (◕ᴗ◕✿)
# FUN LITTLE TID BIT : here are songbird express beta ver 1.0 banbers , a cupid museum exclusive viewing <( ̄︶ ̄)> I had these on the first version of the shop that never seen the light of day. I think you can make out how the first one probably looked like if I settled with it these were very simple nothing as grand as what I ended up making later on.
➷ なんて可愛らしいです conceptualizing was one thing but making designs for it was a whole other brainstorming session. if I kept the first version then taking claim of using songbird while not incorporating anything from the mv story itself was just wasting the beauty of it. I really wanted to put the whole wish factory concept as my baseline. ordering wishes online made the most sense to me, a modern take of wishing upon a star I guess thus, the website / programs concept was conceived.
this was the first design I made with the new concept in mind. I wanted a cover set first, like every chronic theme changer would. I believe the late night early morning was what gave me the sudden stroke of genius, and the idea to make the set as connected pieces which in turn made this big graphic.
one side for the shop, the other for the port. I also made it to have the templates displayed on SONGBIRD EXPRESS 's part.
but my genius doesn't end there, because simply changing the text was enough for it to work as a header too
AND it still didn't end there ... because if you remove all the window tabs you end up with a clean desktop look, and that in turn made for good covers for discontinued books
It makes perfect sense having the clean desktop look for books that are discontinued while the ones that are ongoing get very busy visuals.
I just think this concept changing gimmick for 2 books brought out new design possibilities that I've never considered before when I had 2 books that had separate entities,
➷ It was more of a breeze to make than I expected, I suppose I should thank canva creators for all the free window tab pngs, just change the colors in them and It was good to go.
➷ 芸術性 out of everything, this was what I believe the best one that I made. this was what I think was a good display of my skills as an editor.
I graphic edited, video edited, even made pixel art for the bird. Although I admit the bird was technically just recolored free png, well more like I traced it, added a hat and colored it with my pinks and blues color scheme ahhsjdk.
here's a little easter egg. a banner that was supposed to be for the previous layout, I just recycled it for this one ehe.
➷ 楽しい the process for the other banners were pretty straightforward, nothing too remarkable to note. I suppose I could show you all my favourite one
I like the way lil' songbird was animated. Yes, I call him lil' songbird because (1) I was too lazy to think of a better name (2) they say it a lot on the song, might as well make it my mascot, the shop is literally called songbird express agshdjjd
hes supposed to be a messenger song bird mascot thing, I had fun putting him all over the page ...
... maybe too much fun
➷ 画面 the first drafts of the displays were very different too. before I settled with these window tabs and the rotating konpeito ( the hard candies )
I had these other ones instead ...which were way too plain now that I look at them again
as you can see, very evident changes were made. It was a gif too but I deleted those already to make space oop. the styles were even called WISH and it was more like a romance thing, I leaned more on the cupid aspect rather than the wish granting. I swear I barely had a proper theme going into this.
ngl I think I made the right call with the konpeitos. It was cute and made sense with it being songbird mv inspired.
whoever in NCT management thought of a konpeito as wishing stars is a genius.
⚠︎ LIMIT and so I've reached the upload limit. if you read up to this part, thank you aghsjdkd I had a lot of fun sharing details in the designs, my current hyper fixation, some epiphanies, the decision making upon coming up with the overall theme just the little things. I decided to give my themes a much proper preservation method, than just posting it on a portfolio and call it a day. (ㆁωㆁ) sooo this marks my first full on account theme, I'll probably update this more soon, I literally just joined a graphic war soo uhm ... goodluck to me oop
# JUST A LIL BIT OF NOSTALGIA FOR THE ROAD : this ACTUALLY the first theme this account ever had (*'ω`*)
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